


Queensland Commercial Property Trust

9.02%* P.A.

Two Queensland commercial properties located in Gold Coast and Cairns, offering diversification of location and tenant profile.

*Subject to confirmation in the Information Memorandum


Queensland Commercial Property Trust

9.02%* P.A.

Two Queensland commercial properties located in Gold Coast and Cairns, offering diversification of location and tenant profile.

*Subject to confirmation in the Information Memorandum


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8 May 2024

A guide to tax advantaged income

Tax Advantaged Income One of the main differentiating factors with various investment asset classes is the impact of tax and the treatment of income for taxation purposes. A comparison of a Natgen Investment Trust with a bank term deposit can be useful, given that bank deposits have no taxation allowances beyond standard taxation law. A ...

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23 December 2023

The Year in review

Click here for our Corporate Profile As we proceed through 2023, and I look back at my last communication to you in January this year, it is clear that our expectations from the beginning of the year, are in general, coming to fruition. At the beginning of 2023, I wrote to you about 2023 being ...

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26 April 2023

The market in clearer focus

As we proceed through 2023, and I look back at my last communication to you in January this year, it is clear that our expectations from the beginning of the year, are in general, coming to fruition. The market in clearer focus As we reach near the top of the interest rate cycle, I feel ...

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5 April 2023

Cash Vs Natgen Investment Trusts – Are You Getting The Full Story?

Natgen managing director, Steven Goakes explains pro’s and con’s of staying in cash when inflation is rising. As cash interest rates have increased recently, I have been asked by a number of potential investors to explain how Natgen commercial property trusts compare, when the ‘headline rate’ does not seem to be that much higher than ...

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13 January 2023

2023 – a time to rethink our assumptions in changing times

Let me take this opportunity to wish you a happy 2023, whatever the year brings for us all. After a huge 2022, we sat down to consider what 2023 was likely to bring for Natgen, our investors and the world at large. The world in 2023 When discerning the strategic direction for Natgen and our ...

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28 November 2022

Why is it smart to diversify your portfolio to include commercial property investment trusts?

The central tenet of portfolio theory of investment is that various asset classes exhibit varying attributes which, when combined, provide a lower volatility for a given rate of return than the individual investments in the portfolio.  This is a concept of a diversified portfolio, as developed by Harry Markowitz in the 1950’s and  quantified by William Sharpe in his Capital Asset Pricing ...

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20 July 2022

June 2022 Interest Rates – the latest Natgen perspective

Since Natgen last wrote on the future of interest rate policy and market movements (approximately 6 months ago), the economic landscape is hardly recognisable. The world of November 2021 has now endured: the rampant spread of the Omicron strain of Covid-19 which, whilst generally less severe, is the most virulent strain.  This has resulted in mass ...

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29 November 2021

Interest Rates – a Natgen Perspective

November 2021 By Natgen Managing Director, Steven Goakes Speculation on the future of interest rate policy and market movements is a hot topic at the moment – both in the media and within financial circles. We at Natgen have been watching these developments closely, given the fact that we have been following our interest rate ...

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2 July 2021

The End of an Epic Financial Year

As the end of the financial year approached, I spent some time looking back at the position of the world and this country at the beginning of the financial year. On 1 July 2020, the following was happening: The first wave COVID-19 disasters had swamped the UK, USA, Italy and many other countries; Fortress Australia was ...

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22 June 2021

The top 8 benefits of commercial property investment vs residential property investment

When most people think of property investment, they tend to think of ‘negative gearing’ a residential home or apartment. The “negative gearing industry” has been relentlessly promoting this for many years, and their messages are well known.  Of course, negative gearing involves losing money on your investment property (ie. negative annual profit) in order to minimise ...

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8 June 2021

Why you need acquisition criteria to steer your investment strategy

One the aspects of commercial property which I particularly like is the analytical nature of the investment. Criteria such as population density, population growth, recorded foot traffic and proximity to services are all influential in a commercial property purchase. On the other hand, taking the emotion out of the equation does not mean we are ...

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6 January 2021

Six tips for commercial property success

For investors of all sizes and levels of sophistication, commercial property provides a very attractive investment option Negative correlation with returns in other asset classes and high levels of transparency are attributes which can hold investors’ long-term interest in commercial property.  However, as with any investment asset class, there are pitfalls to be avoided. The ...

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