
Corporate Governance

Governance and Compliance

The directors of Natgen are committed to operating an organisation which exhibits demonstrably high standards of corporate governance, trustee governance and regulatory compliance.


The provided material is designed solely for informational purposes aimed at wholesale clients and should not be taken as tailored advice for any individual. It offers General Advice that does not consider the unique investment goals, financial status, or requirements of an individual. Prior to making any investment choices based on this advice, one should assess if it aligns with their specific situation. In cases where the General Advice pertains to acquiring or the potential acquisition of a financial product, it is crucial to review the relevant offer document and consider it carefully before deciding to proceed with the product. Past investment performance should not be seen as a predictor of future returns.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Central to the success of National & General Group (Natgen) is our commitment to our clients.

Natgen is committed to providing you with the highest level of service. This includes protecting your privacy. We honour without reservation our obligation to respect and protect the privacy of the personal information of individuals with who we deal with.

The Privacy Act 1998 sets out a number of principles concerning the protection of your personal information. Following is the information that the Privacy Act requires us to communicate to all of our clients. We recommend you keep a copy of this information.

The Information we collect

Whenever it is reasonable and practicable to do so, we only collect information about you directly from you.

We only collect personal information about you which is reasonably necessary to:

  • provide you quality products or services;
  • consider applications and approaches you make to us;
  • maintain your contact details.

We generally hold personal information relating to:

  • the products and services we provide or have provided to you;
  • your financial interests and sometimes your financial position (insofar as it is relevant to our dealings with you);
  • your contact details.

We do not generally collect sensitive information about you unless required by applicable laws or rules.
Sensitive information includes information relating to

  • race;
  • political or religious beliefs;
  • sexual preferences;
  • criminal convictions;
  • membership of professional or trade associations or unions;
  • health information.

Help us hold accurate information

Natgen takes all reasonable precautions to ensure that the personal information we collect, use, and disclose is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

However, the accuracy of that information depends to a large extent on the information you provide. That is why we recommend that you let us know if there are any errors in personal information such as your name and address and banking details with relevant financial institutions.

You can access your personal information

You can contact us to request access to your information. In normal circumstances we will give you full access to your information. However, there may be some legal or administrative reasons to deny access. If access is denied, we will provide you with the reason why.

How that information is used

We only use and disclose personal information about you for the purpose for which it was disclosed to us or related purposes which would reasonably be expected without your permission.

For example, we may from time to time use your personal information to inform you of investment opportunities or to provide information about products and services which we expect may be of interest to you. However, we do respect your right to ask us not to do this.

We do not sell personal information to other organisations to allow them to do this. We may disclose personal information to service providers who provide services in connection with our products and services or we may provide information about you to your nominated financial adviser with your permission.

Keeping information secure

We use security procedures and the latest technology to protect the information we hold. Access to and use of personal information within Natgen is appropriately limited to prevent misuse or unlawful disclosure of the information.

If other organisations provide support services, we require them to appropriately safeguard the privacy of the information provided to them.

Where the personal information we collect is no longer required, we delete the information or permanently de-identify it.


A ‘cookie’ is a packet of information placed on a user’s computer by a website for record keeping purposes.
Cookies are generally used on the Natgen site to:

  • access online services – if you visit Natgen’s website and log into our secure areas, such as Natgen Portal, we will use cookies to enable us to authorise your access
  • traffic monitoring – we use tracking companies to gather information about how people are using the Natgen site, this information includes time of visit, pages visited, and some system information about the type of computer you are using. We use this information to enhance the content and services offered on the site.

Cookies may also be used for other purposes on the Natgen site but in each case none of the information collected can be used to personally identify you.

You can configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or notify you when a cookie is sent. (Each browser is different, so check the “Help” menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences).

If you disable the use of cookies on your web browser or remove or reject specific cookies from this website or linked sites then you may not be able to gain access to all of the content and facilities in this website.

Dealing with Natgen Online

If you visit Natgen’s website to browse, read or download information, our system will log these movements. These web site logs are not personally identifiable and Natgen makes no attempt to link them with the individuals who browse the site.

Natgen cannot guarantee or accept responsibility for the privacy practices or the content of web sites to which we provide links.

How to contact us

If you have any questions in relation to privacy, please contact us on 1300 100 292 or by emailing info@natgen.com.au.

Dispute Resolution

The provided material is designed solely for informational purposes aimed at wholesale clients and should not be taken as tailored advice for any individual. It offers General Advice that does not consider the unique investment goals, financial status, or requirements of an individual. Prior to making any investment choices based on this advice, one should assess if it aligns with their specific situation. In cases where the General Advice pertains to acquiring or the potential acquisition of a financial product, it is crucial to review the relevant offer document and consider it carefully before deciding to proceed with the product. Past investment performance should not be seen as a predictor of future returns.

Dispute Resolution:
Complaints in respect to the provision of financial services or products covered by our AFSL may be made by customers, clients, investors or persons (the complainant) by contacting our Dispute Resolution Officer (DRO) in the following ways:

(i) by telephone – 1300 100 292
(ii) by written letter – GPO Box 5085, Brisbane, QLD, 4000
(iii) by email – complaints@natgen.com.au ; or
(iv) in person.

Where a complaint is received verbally and is not received by the DRO, your complaint will be referred to the DRO, and you will receive acknowledgement of your complaint from the DRO within 24 hours (or one Business Day) of receipt of the complaint.

Natgen will write to the complainant within 24 hours (or one Business Day) of receipt of the complaint. The written notification must contain:
(a) acknowledgement the complaint has been received;
(b) a description of the process which the complaint will then be subject to (including further notifications and relevant time frames for resolution of the complaint);
(c) the relevant contact details of the Dispute Resolution Officer;
(d) the relevant contact details of the person(s) investigating the complaint;
(e) acknowledgement the complainant’s details and the complaint will be dealt with confidentially, and only the persons specified in the acknowledgement will have access to such information ;
(f) an undertaking that no fee will be charged for the resolution of the complaint; and
(g) any remedies available to the complainant.
If you feel there is an issue relating to your privacy, which remains unresolved, or you wish the Privacy Commissioner to further investigate your complaint, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner as detailed below:

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
GPO Box 5218 SYDNEY NSW 2001
Telephone: 1300 363 992 (local call anywhere in Australia)
Email: enquiries@oaic.gov.au

Natgen is a member of an independent dispute resolution scheme, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution which is free to consumers.
If, at any time, you feel your complaint remains unresolved or you wish AFCA to further investigate your complaint, you can contact AFCA as detailed below:

Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Telephone: 1800 931 678 (free call)
Email: info@afca.org.au

Australian Financial Services Licence

National & General Administration Pty Ltd, a member company of the Natgen group, holds Australian Financial Services License No. 522 835.

We are authorised to advise on and operate wholesale managed investment schemes in a broad range of areas. We are also authorised to provide custodian services. As a licensed entity, we are subject to the scrutiny of ASIC in abiding by the Corporations Act and meeting the performance and governance standards laid out in ASIC regularly guides. The standards relate to areas such as compliance systems, financial requirements, and training of representatives.

Governance and Compliance
The directors of Natgen are committed to operating an organisation which exhibits demonstrably high standards of corporate governance, trustee governance and regulatory compliance.

We believe that excellence in these areas provides palpable benefits to our business and our clients. Our clients can have confidence that our management and decision-making is based on open, effective and comprehensive internal governance and compliance systems.

Our systems are supported by thorough documentation, which is reviewed on an ongoing basis to maintain its quality and relevance.
Risk Identification and Mitigation
Thorough and effective risk management should be central to the planning and execution of all processes within an investment enterprise.

A risk management system must incorporate standards of duty, processes and review mechanisms to ensure that performance expectations are met and exceeded.

At Natgen, risk management plans and procedures are tailored to each project or mandate, communicated regularly to those involved and periodically reviewed for ongoing effectiveness and relevance.

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