
EOI – Expressions of Interest

Expression of Interest

National & General Administration Pty Ltd

This document is an Expression of Interest (EOI) requesting National & General Administration Pty Ltd ACN 636 669 684 AFLS 522 835 (Natgen) to provide me/us with further information regarding investment opportunities. By completing this form, you will enjoy priority allocation of units to our future investment opportunities if you choose to invest. There is no obligation to invest and you can withdraw your EOI at any time.

Details of Interested Party(s)

Level of Interest

I/we, have an interest in receiving information relating to future Natgen investment offers.
(this is a guide only – there is no obligation)

I/we ac​knowledge that:

  • This document does not constitute an offer to invest in any financial product.  Any future offer to invest will be accompanied by appropriate disclosure documentation, as required by law;
  • Offers for interests may only be made by completing the application form contained within a disclosure document;
  • The progression of this EOI to a formal investment by me/us will be subject to the completion of a due diligence process;
  • Natgen will comply with all statutory disclosure obligations, including, but not limited to providing me/us with the requisite disclosure documents containing relevant information, prior to any application being received;
  • Natgen, or its associated entities, will be the promoter of interests in future investment offers;
  • Nothing in this EOI should be construed as an offer or acceptance of terms, neither does it create a binding legal relationship between the parties.

For further information on any matter contained in this EOI, please contact us on 1300 100 292.

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